Timeless Music for Modern Audiences.
Noted for their insightful and melodic style, the Chicago Brass Quintet has been delighting audiences with performances of classics and standards for more than forty years.


Get To Know Us
The Chicago Brass Quintet has been at the forefront of brass chamber music since the group's founding in 1963. Internationally regarded as virtuoso musicians, the Quintet has been widely lauded for their interpretation of the classical canon, and for their creative approach to arrangement and performance.
Passionate and expressive, the Quintet is committed to enriching audiences, and to advancing the future of brass instrumentation.

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The Quintet's catalog represents a broad spectrum of composers and styles. Whether they are interpreting traditional baroque or riffing on contemporary jazz, their music is defined by beauty, skill, and grace.
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See Us Live
The Chicago Brass Quintet has performed throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia. Masters of concert performance, the Quintet is known for giving dynamic, energetic recitals, and for their conversational rapport with audiences.
Popular and in-demand, the Quintet maintains an active tour schedule and often appears alongside major metropolitan orchestras.